“大美无疆 共通共享”十国艺术巡展纪念-苏作光老师

2022-12-02 18:27:05 来源:

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Su Zuoguang, former deputy chief of the Organizational Department of the CPC Shantou Municipal Committee after transferred to civil work from military service and rising to section chief of the administrative and supervisory bureau later, retired in 2010 from the Guangdong School of administration as a calligraphy teacher and political instructor he took in 2001. He was also the calligraphy teacher at the Jinlong Primary School of Nansha district, Guangzhou and afterward quit for calligraphy creation in 2016. He is the deputy chairman of the association of Chinese cultural artists, the guest professor of the China artistic committee of folk buildings and a member of the association of calligraphers of central state agencies. He participated in the annual calligraphy meeting of the generals and ministers of the republic themed around Chinese loving and dreaming of building a powerful military many times. He has published many personal works of art in media that are popular and appreciated.

草书 李白诗《渡荆门送别》
草书 李白诗《早发白帝城》

Cursive script Li Bai’s Poem Bidding A Friend Farewell at Jingmen Ferry
Cursive script Li Bai’s Poem Early Departure from Baidi Town
Cursive script The Whole River Red
Cursive script Tune: Spring in a Pleasure Garden
Clerical script Hundreds of Surnames in China
Seal script Thousand-Character Classic: Part I
Seal script Thousand-Character Classic: Part II
Seal script Inscriptions on tablets of Mount Yi I
Seal script Inscriptions on tablets of Mount Yi II
Seal script Inscriptions on tablets of Mount Yi III

