“大美无疆 共通共享”十国艺术巡展纪念-董彩霞老师

2022-12-02 18:28:16 来源:

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Dong Caixia, passionate about literature and poetry. The China Popular Culture Society, the Celebrity Calligraphy and Painting Art Development Committee, member; China TV Art Style Show, art member; the 2022 China Winter Olympics, artistic image ambassador; Contemporary Poetry Outstanding Individual awarded by the 21st Century Annual Style Ceremony; the Model of the Times awarded by the Pen Drawing of China – Model of the Times in September 2021; the 2021 Top 100 Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting Masters of Contemporary China awarded by the Merit Artist Committee in November 2021; created poems for the artist Zhang Mengyao’s paintings; works widely spread in newspapers, magazines and the Internet; Outstanding Chinese Artist awarded by the Calligraphy and Painting Art Big Data Center, Evaluation Committee; Innovative Individual in Unique Calligraphy and Painting Art selected by the National Art Archive, the Meritorious Artists Network, the Times Calligraphy and Painters Network and major media in 2021; the People’s Literary and Artistic Association (writer and poet), member. Personal motto: Roses are the flowers of women; when their beautiful faces are gone, they still have thorns.

A Verse of Four Seven-Character Lines Colored Glaze Factory
A Verse of Four Seven-Character Lines Crackdown on Gang Crimes
A Verse of Four Seven-Character Lines Dream
An Eight-Line Verse with Seven Characters to a Line Rhythm of Heart at a Time of Prosperity
A Verse of Five-Character Quatrain Pandemic
An Eight-Line Verse with Five Characters to a Line Winter Garden
An Eight-Line Verse with Five Characters to a Line To a Friend
An Eight-Line Verse with Five Characters to a Line The Double Ninth Festival
An Eight-Line Verse with Five Characters to a Line Drunken in the Sunset
An Eight-Line Verse with Seven Characters to a Line - Right Ancient Walk
An Eight-Line Verse with Seven Characters to a Line - Left Rhythm of Heart at a Time of Prosperity

