“大美无疆 共通共享”十国艺术巡展纪念-黄明运老师

2022-12-02 19:57:00 来源:

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《峰顶艳阳春 彩云蒙天涯》
《江山鸿图几多春 群峰水源万川流》
《深峪峰岩美 山涯一片春》
《旭日群山川 泉水向东流》
草书 毛泽东词 《清平乐 六盘山》
隶书《知识普育人间美 才学造化春满园》
行草《冰雪舞冬奥 翰墨颂华章》

Huang Mingyun was awarded the doctorate of literature and art. As a nationally famous calligrapher and painter with the pseudonym of Huang Daming, he was rated as a "creator and founder of the new Chinese culture", a leader in Chinese literature and art, and an inheritor of the world's intangible culture. With the title of National High-level Art Professional Talents, he was awarded as the National Super Grade Art Instructor, the National Representative Artist of Virtue and Artistry, the National Top 10 Art Masters, the "Top 10 Leading Artists of Chinese Art", the "World Top 10 Leading Artists", and the "World Top 10 Remarkable Art Masters". He was employed as a cultural instructor of the World Cultural Master Institute, a member of the Mexican National Art Museum, a member of the Singapore Art Museum, a member of the Russian Modern Calligraphy Museum, and a visiting professor of the Youth Art Committee of the Chinese Cultural Management Association.

The Sun Shines on the Top of the Mountain, and Clouds Cover the Horizon
After How Many Springs, Countless Rivers can Flow Through the Mountains
Colorless Hills
Spring in the South
Beautiful Rocks and Spring in the Mountains
Mountains, Rivers and Flowing Spring Water Under the Rising Sun
Cursive script of Mao Zedong's poem: Mount Liupan — To the Tune of Qing Ping Yue
Clerical script: Cultivate Beauty with Knowledge and Create Spring with Talents
Running script: Winter Olympics in Snow, and Beautiful Writing in Ink
Regular script: God Help Those Who Help Themselves

